Article51. Nature of Policies  

§ 58-51-1. Form, classification and rates to be approved by Commissioner
§ 58-51-5. Form of policy
§ 58-51-10. Right to return policy and have premium refunded
§ 58-51-15. Accident and health policy provisions
§ 58-51-16. Intoxicants and narcotics
§ 58-51-17. Portability for accident and health insurance
§ 58-51-20. Renewability of individual and blanket hospitalization and accident and health insurance policies
§ 58-51-25. Policy coverage to continue as to mentally retarded or physically handicapped children; coverage of dependent students on medically necessary leave of absence
§ 58-51-30. Policies to cover newborn infants, foster children, and adopted children
§ 58-51-35. Insurers and others to afford coverage to mentally retarded and physically handicapped children
§ 58-51-37. Pharmacy of choice
§ 58-51-38. Direct access to obstetrician-gynecologists
§ 58-51-40. Insurers and others to afford coverage for active medical treatment in tax-supported institutions
§ 58-51-45. Policies to be issued to any person possessing the sickle cell trait or hemoglobin C trait
§ 58-51-50. Coverage for chemical dependency treatment
§ 58-51-55. No discrimination against mentally ill or chemically dependent individuals
§ 58-51-57. Coverage for mammograms and cervical cancer screening
§ 58-51-58. Coverage for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests
§ 58-51-59. Coverage of certain prescribed drugs for cancer treatment
§ 58-51-60. Meaning of term "preexisting conditions" in certain policies
§ 58-51-61. Coverage for certain treatment for diabetes
§ 58-51-62. Coverage for reconstructive breast surgery following mastectomy
§ 58-51-63. Coverage for abortions not allowed in plans offered through Exchange
§ 58-51-65. Industrial sick benefit insurance defined
§ 58-51-70. Industrial sick benefit insurance; provisions
§ 58-51-75. Blanket accident and health insurance defined
§ 58-51-80. Group accident and health insurance defined
§ 58-51-81. Group accident and health insurance for public school students
§ 58-51-85. Group or blanket accident and health insurance; approval of forms and filing of rates
§ 58-51-90. Definition of franchise accident and health insurance
§ 58-51-95. Approval by Commissioner of forms, classification and rates; hearing; exceptions
§ 58-51-100. Credit accident and health insurance
§ 58-51-105. Hospitalization insurance defined
§ 58-51-110. Renewal, discontinuance, or replacement of group health insurance
§ 58-51-115. Coordination of benefits with Medicaid
§ 58-51-116. ERISA plans may not require Medicaid to pay first
§ 58-51-120. Coverage of children
§ 58-51-125. Adopted child coverage
§ 58-51-130. Standards for disability income insurance policies