§94-4. Powers and duties of Director of Apprenticeship
The Director, under the supervision of the Secretary of Commerce and with the advice and guidance of the Apprenticeship Council is authorized to administer the provisions of this Chapter; in cooperation with the Apprenticeship Council and apprenticeship committees and sponsors, to set up conditions and training standards for apprentice agreements, which conditions or standards shall in no case be lower than those prescribed by this Chapter; to act as secretary of the Apprenticeship Council; to approve for the Council if in his opinion approval is for the best interest of the apprenticeship any apprentice agreement which meets the standards established under this Chapter; to terminate or cancel any apprentice agreement in accordance with the provisions of such agreement; to keep a record of apprentice agreements and their disposition; to issue certificates of completion of apprenticeship; and to perform such other duties as are necessary to carry out the intent of this Chapter, including other on-job training necessary for emergency and critical civilian production: Provided, that the administration and supervision of related and supplemental instruction for apprentices, coordination of instruction with job experiences, and the selection and training of teachers and coordinators for such instruction shall be the responsibility of State and local boards responsible for vocational education.