§84A-3. Issuance of a certificate of registration; waiver
(a) The North Carolina State Bar shall review the statements and the supporting documents contained in an application submitted pursuant to G.S. 84A-2 and shall report the results of their review, with recommendations, to the North Carolina Supreme Court.
(b) The North Carolina Supreme Court may issue to an applicant a certificate of registration as a foreign legal consultant.
(c) The North Carolina Supreme Court shall not grant a certificate of registration as a foreign legal consultant unless it is satisfied that the applicant possesses good moral character.
(d) Upon a showing that strict compliance with all of the provisions of G.S. 84A-2 would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship or upon a showing of professional qualifications to practice as a foreign legal consultant satisfactory to the North Carolina Supreme Court, the North Carolina Supreme Court may issue a certificate of registration under this Chapter to an applicant who did not satisfy the provisions of G.S. 84A-2.