§58-92-20. Certification and product change  

Latest version.
  • (a)        Each manufacturer shall submit to the Commissioner a written certification attesting both of the following:

    (1)        Each cigarette listed in the certification has been tested in accordance with G.S. 58-92-15.

    (2)        Each cigarette listed in the certification meets the performance standard set forth in G.S. 58-92-15.

    (b)        Each cigarette listed in the certification shall be described with the following information:

    (1)        Brand or trade name on the package.

    (2)        Brand style, as defined in G.S. 58-92-10(1a).

    (3)        Length in millimeters.

    (4)        Circumference in millimeters.

    (5)        Flavor, such as menthol or chocolate, if applicable.

    (6)        Filter or nonfilter.

    (7)        Package description, such as soft pack or box.

    (8)        Marking pursuant to G.S. 58-92-25.

    (9)        The name, address, and telephone number of the laboratory, if different than the manufacturer that conducted the test.

    (10)      The date that the testing occurred.

    (c)        Certifications shall be made available to the Attorney General for purposes consistent with this Article and the Commissioner for the purposes of ensuring compliance with this section.

    (d)       Each cigarette certified under this section shall be recertified every three years.

    (e)        For each brand style listed in a certification, a manufacturer shall pay to the Commissioner a fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). The Commissioner may annually adjust this fee to ensure it defrays the actual costs of the processing, testing, enforcement, and oversight activities required by this Article.

    (f)        There is established in the State treasury a separate, nonreverting fund to be known as the "Fire Safety Standard and Firefighter Protection Act Enforcement Fund." The fund shall consist of all certification fees submitted by manufacturers and shall, in addition to any other monies made available for such purpose, be available to the Commissioner solely to support processing, testing, enforcement, and oversight activities under this Article.

    (g)        If a manufacturer has certified a cigarette pursuant to this section, and thereafter makes any change to such cigarette that is likely to alter its compliance with the reduced cigarette ignition propensity standards required by this Article, that cigarette shall not be sold or offered for sale in this State until the manufacturer retests the cigarette in accordance with the testing standards set forth in G.S. 58-92-15 and maintains records of that retesting as required by G.S. 58-92-15. Any altered cigarette that does not meet the performance standard set forth in G.S. 58-92-15 shall not be sold in this State.

(2007-451, s. 1; 2010-101, s. 2.)