§164-49. Biennial report on effectiveness of JCPC grant recipients  

Latest version.
  • The Judicial Department, through the North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission, shall conduct biennial studies on the effectiveness of programs receiving Juvenile Crime Prevention Council grant funding in North Carolina. Each study shall be based upon a sample of juveniles admitted to programs funded with JCPC grants and document subsequent involvement in both the juvenile justice system and criminal justice system for at least two years following the sample admittance. All State agencies shall provide data as requested by the Commission.

    The Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission shall report the results of the first effectiveness study to the Chairs of the Senate and House of Representatives Appropriations Committees and the Chairs of the Senate and House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittees on Justice and Public Safety by May 1, 2011, and future reports shall be made by May 1 of each odd-numbered year.

(2009-451, s. 15.17J.)