§160A-513. Preparation and adoption of redevelopment plans  

Latest version.
  • (a)        A commission shall prepare a redevelopment plan for any area certified by the planning commission to be a redevelopment area. A redevelopment plan shall be sufficiently complete to indicate its relationship to definite local objectives as to appropriate land uses, improved traffic, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities and other public improvements and the proposed land uses and building requirements in the redevelopment project area.

    (b)        The planning commission's certification of a redevelopment area shall be made in conformance with its comprehensive general plan, if any (which may include, inter alia, a plan of major traffic arteries and terminals and a land use plan and projected population densities) for the area.

    (c)        A commission shall not acquire real property for a development  project unless the governing body of the community in which the redevelopment project area is located has approved the redevelopment plan, as hereinafter prescribed; provided, however, that the commission may acquire, through negotiation, specific pieces of property in the redevelopment area prior to the approval of such plan when the governing body finds that advance acquisition of such properties is in the public interest and specifically approves such action.

    (d)       The redevelopment commission's redevelopment plan shall include, without being limited to, the following:

    (1)        The boundaries of the area, with a map showing the existing uses of the real property therein;

    (2)        A land use plan of the area showing proposed uses following redevelopment;

    (3)        Standards of population densities, land coverage and building intensities in the proposed redevelopment;

    (4)        A preliminary site plan of the area;

    (5)        A statement of the proposed changes, if any, in zoning ordinances or maps;

    (6)        A statement of any proposed changes in street layouts or street levels;

    (7)        A statement of the estimated cost and method of financing redevelopment under the plan; provided, that where redevelopment activities are performed on the basis of annual increments, such statement to be sufficient shall set forth a schedule of the activities proposed to be undertaken during the incremental period, together with a statement of the estimated cost and method of financing such scheduled activities only;

    (8)        A statement of such continuing controls as may be deemed necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Article;

    (9)        A statement of a feasible method proposed for the relocation  of the families displaced.

    (e)        The commission shall hold a public hearing prior to its final determination of the redevelopment plan. Notice of such hearing shall  be given once a week for two successive calendar weeks in a newspaper published in the municipality, or if there be no newspaper published in the municipality, by posting such notice at four public places in the municipality, said notice to be published the first time or posted not less than 15 days prior to the date fixed for said hearing.

    (f)        The commission shall submit the redevelopment plan to the planning commission for review. The planning commission, shall, within 45 days, certify to the redevelopment commission its recommendation on the redevelopment plan, either of approval, rejection or modification, and in the latter event, specify the changes recommended.

    (g)        Upon receipt of the planning commission's recommendation, or at the expiration of 45 days, if no recommendation is made by the planning commission, the commission shall submit to the governing body the redevelopment plan with the recommendation, if any, of the planning commission thereon. Prior to recommending a redevelopment plan to the governing body for approval, the commission shall consider whether the proposed land uses and building requirements in the redevelopment project area are designed with the general purpose of accomplishing, in conformance with the general plan, a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the community and its environs, which will in accordance with present and future needs promote health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity and the general welfare, as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development, including, among other things, adequate provision for traffic, vehicular parking, the promotion of safety from fire, panic and other dangers, adequate provision for light and air, the promotion of the healthful and convenient distribution of population, the provision of adequate transportation, water, sewerage and other public utilities, schools, parks, recreational and community facilities and other public requirements, the promotion of sound design and arrangements, the wise and efficient expenditure of public funds, the prevention of the recurrence of insanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations, slums, or conditions or blight.

    (h)        The governing body, upon receipt of the redevelopment plan and the recommendation (if any) of the planning commission, shall hold a public hearing upon said plan. Notice of such hearing shall be given once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper published in the municipality, or, if there be no newspaper published in the municipality, by posting such notice at four public places in the municipality, said notice to be published the first time or posted not less than 15 days prior to the date fixed for said hearing. The notice shall describe the redevelopment area by boundaries, in a manner designed to be understandable by the general public. The redevelopment plan, including such maps, plans, contracts, or other documents as form a part of it, together with the recommendation (if any) of the planning commission and supporting data, shall be available for public inspection at a location specified in the notice for at least 10 days prior to the hearing.

    At the hearing the governing body shall afford an opportunity to all persons or agencies interested to be heard and shall receive, make known, and consider recommendations in writing with reference to the redevelopment plan.

    (i)         The governing body shall approve, amend, or reject the redevelopment plan as submitted.

    (j)         Subject to the proviso in subsection (c) of this section, upon approval by the governing body of the redevelopment plan, the commission is authorized to acquire property, to execute contracts for clearance and preparation of the land for resale, and to take other actions necessary to carry out the plan, in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

    (k)        A redevelopment plan may be modified at any time by the commission; provided that, if modified after the sale of real property in the redevelopment project area, the modification must be consented to by the redeveloper of such real property or his successor, or their successors in interest affected by the proposed modification. Where the proposed modification will substantially change the redevelopment plan as previously approved by the governing body the modification must similarly be approved by the governing body as provided above.

(1951, c. 1095, s. 10; 1961, c. 837, s. 8; 1965, c. 808; 1969, c. 254, s. 2; 1973, c. 426, s. 75.)