§143-215.104G. (Expires January 1, 2022 - see notes) Certification of facilities and abandoned sites  

Latest version.
  • (a)        A potentially responsible party may petition the Commission to certify a facility or abandoned site where a release of dry-cleaning solvent has occurred. The Commission shall certify the facility or abandoned site if the petitioner meets the applicable requirements of G.S. 143-215.104F. Upon its decision to certify a facility or abandoned site, the Commission shall inform the petitioner of its decision and of the initial priority ranking of the facility or site.

    (b)        Repealed by Session Laws 2000, c. 19, s. 8.

    (c)        A potentially responsible party who petitions for certification of a facility or abandoned site shall provide the Commission with either of the following:

    (1)        A written statement of the petitioner's intent to enter into an assessment agreement or remediation agreement.

    (2)        A written statement of the petitioner's intent to conduct assessment and remediation activities pursuant to subsection (d) of this section.

    (d)        A person who has access to property that is contaminated by dry-cleaning solvent and who has successfully petitioned for certification of the facility or abandoned site from which the contamination is believed to have resulted may undertake assessment or remediation of dry-cleaning solvent contamination located on the property consistent with the standards established by the Commission pursuant to G.S. 143-215.104D(b)(3) without first entering into a dry-cleaning solvent assessment agreement or a dry-cleaning solvent remediation agreement. No assessment or remediation activities undertaken pursuant to this subsection shall rely on standards that require the creation of land-use restrictions. A person who undertakes assessment or remediation activities pursuant to this subsection shall provide the Commission prior written notice of the activity. Costs associated with assessment or remediation activities undertaken pursuant to this subsection shall not be eligible for reimbursement from the Fund.

    (e)        The rejection of any petition filed pursuant to this section shall not affect the rights of any other petitioner, other than any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the petitioner, under this Part. The rejection of a petition or the decertification of a facility or abandoned site may be the basis for rejection of a petition by any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the petitioner for the facility or abandoned site.

(1997-392, s. 1; 2000-19, s. 8.)